I know what you're thinking... How did we get to week 7 - it was like yesterday when you wrote "Calorie Addict". No it was actually at the start of September. At the time, I'd just done a lot of thinking and writing and thinking, so I had a few posts scheduled. It has in fact ...
“I’ve never known anything more dangerous than my own mind…”
I've had a real struggle the last two weeks. I've had Influenza A for a while now and every little action has been harder than it should be. Getting up is hard. Working my main job is hard. Working my second job is hard. Housekeeping is hard. Relating to people is hard. It's all been harder ...
Travel insurance for the chronically ill
I, like many people who live with chronic or invisible illness, enjoy travelling. Since my diagnosis we've kept our travel fairly local choosing destinations like Fiji and New Zealand (which has reciprocal health care with Australia). We've done this because my illness has been unpredictable and also because we haven't had the cash stream to ...
Long in the tooth…
My health spiral can be tracked back to the wisdom tooth I had extracted on the 2nd of November this year. I knew it had the potential to throw things even more out of wack than what they were, but I was fast running out of options. I had been having a debate with my ...
The nightmare after Christmas
I woke up last night from a nightmare in a cold sweat. In my nightmare I had either forgot to take my medication, or I had taken the wrong medication. Only someone who has continuing health problems has nightmares like that... I swear. I am meant to be back at work today (just my design job) ...
An indication on how far I’ve come…
Yesterday - I did something that I would have never done 12 months ago. In fact - I would have run screaming in the opposite direction. Yesterday - I went flying in a light plate. I life I have 5 big fears. 1) I am afraid of needles. 2) I am afraid of spiders. 3) I ...
Playing to my strengths
Bribery and manipulation – well I AM a marketer so I need to play to my strengths. Disaster averted…. for now….
Certainly, uncertain.
Why do chronically ill people find each other? Why do they understand each other? I think its because every single one of us know the feeling of uncertainty. We all see the fragility of life.