I was ridding such a high after my second dose of Pfizer. I thought, ‘that’s it, COVID-19 is officially over for me’. I don’t think I could have been more wrong. I was sitting in my car this morning, in the usual peak hour traffic, skipping almost every song from my playlist. At first I ...
This too shall pass.
Today, I went to Gold Coast University Hospital to have my first COVID-19 vaccination. I was prepared to wait, in a line, for 4-hours to be assured I received my vaccine. I was successfully vaccinated with my first shot of Pfizer - and the resulting feeling is something I wasn’t expecting. No, I’m not talking ...
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
Well, I’m officially one week post laser eye surgery. And I was unprepared for most of what happened last Thursday and in the days that followed. You see, I purposefully didn’t read the literature. I interrupted the experts as they tried to tell me the details of what was about to happen. And trust me, if ...
What do you call a deer with no eyes?
I’m not sure if I have talked about it much - but I have had really awful long distance vision since I was a teenager. Well, it didn’t start “awful”, but by the time I hit my mid-twenties, I was quite badly short sighted. I suppose I didn’t really notice how bad it had become ...
Let’s talk….
It's easy for casual readers to think "wow, your doing "all the things", you must be better, right". A persons health is complicated. It's a intricate web of checks and balances. "Healthy" people pay little attention to it, and only get their health seen to if they feel bad. Chronically ill people are constantly managing, usually ...
I shudder at the thought…
So I'm in a situation... and it's one of those good/bad situations. Since going back on the Mercaptopurine in April I've had a very long list of side effects. The worst being fatigue. Crohn's comes with a healthy dose of fatigue to start with - which makes sense, it's Auto-Immune so your body is fighting a ...
“I’ve never known anything more dangerous than my own mind…”
I've had a real struggle the last two weeks. I've had Influenza A for a while now and every little action has been harder than it should be. Getting up is hard. Working my main job is hard. Working my second job is hard. Housekeeping is hard. Relating to people is hard. It's all been harder ...
Maxed out
I had my review last week... I had my butt cheeks clenched for days considering I knew that my GI would probably not approve of my choices in holiday eating establishments. I had the worst feeling that my support person (my husband) would have his phone out showing my doctor that I was eating God ...
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This is a very brief post because, quite literally, my panties are in a bunch about something I just read.... Having been born with the assorted party pack of autoimmune disorders I get sent a lot of medical reading - from a lot of different sources. Today I was sent a story about links between two chronic ...
Heart Burn
You know the sludge at the bottom of the gene pool? I'm pretty sure when they made me they just scraped all that up and made it into a person That's my normal lead in when I'm going into hospital. I used to use it as a joke - you know, something to lighten the mood ...