Let’s go back in time almost 10 years. Back to when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. I was angry. And I was entitled to be angry - anger is one of the stages of loss. I had just lost my “old life” so I was working through the grief process. One thing that used ...
“I’ve never known anything more dangerous than my own mind…”
I've had a real struggle the last two weeks. I've had Influenza A for a while now and every little action has been harder than it should be. Getting up is hard. Working my main job is hard. Working my second job is hard. Housekeeping is hard. Relating to people is hard. It's all been harder ...
IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This is a very brief post because, quite literally, my panties are in a bunch about something I just read.... Having been born with the assorted party pack of autoimmune disorders I get sent a lot of medical reading - from a lot of different sources. Today I was sent a story about links between two chronic ...
"I get you more now, your like an Island of one.... You had to be." This is so messy. I debated for a long time whether to put it down - but I feel like it's been rolling around in my head for a while so perhaps it's a good time to get it out in ...
“You’re not allowed to be sick here”
I have had a volatile relationship with my parents for about the last... er.... 6 or 7 years. Why? You know, I'm not really sure. After my first divorce in 2004 I became pretty fiercely independent. To some extent, I think that's been a personality trait that has helped with my illness. In the last 2 ...
It could be a Tumour…
Having a chronic illness sucks. It sucks for a lot of reasons – but let me tell you the one REALLY getting to me at the moment…. It sucks because every time your doctors fix something – some other shit breaks.
The day of…
It felt like forever away whilst I was working through my mysterious heart problem – then all of a sudden it was here. The day I dreaded – but also the day of my salvation.
The day before….
Wracked with nerves I prepared for my small bowel resection to hopefully curb my out of control Crohn’s Disease.
When you feel like giving up… remember why you started
After a lifetime of fighting and three years of medication that at times could be worse than Crohn’s itself, I decided that surgery was my only recourse.
Put your heart into it…
A Crohns patient with Wolff Parkinson White – that makes me about one in a million – right?