I need something to lighten what has been a very long week - so I will tell one of my much anticipated holiday stories. On August the 7th my partner and I flew from Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand. It would be the first trip away since we found out about my Crohn's. It should have ...
My breaking point
Its been a hard week... and on Sunday night... I snapped. It was due to many things - probably most notably the fact I had been ill since before Christmas with almost no reprieve. In fact... it appears to the casual observer that I am getting worse. I am at the limit of what conventional ...
April Fool
It seems every time I think I have turned a corner with this disease - I am bought back down to earth with a thud not long after. Yesterday was the start of a new month - and coincidentally April Fools Day. I felt like I was the only one truly fooled. I thought I was ...
Playing to my strengths
Bribery and manipulation – well I AM a marketer so I need to play to my strengths. Disaster averted…. for now….
… it’s who you know.
It’s not what you know; its who you know. Actually its both. Be informed, be strong and fight for serious illness like IBD to finally be taken seriously.
I have Crohn’s Disease
They are the 4 words that have shaped the last 8 months of my life. Most of my experience with them has been negative. Its true, people are afraid of things they don't understand. Some are starting to come round now though. Reluctant to admit it at the start - many people have abdominal problems ...
Worming my way out of Crohns symptoms
Prompted by my amazing partner, I have been looking into a few alternative treatments for Crohns Disease. We are not talking tealeaves and meditation, I know I have a problem and that positivity alone is not going to get it under control. I also know that I can’t continue to stay on the Entocort. The ...
Strike Out
A medication review, trip to Kingaroy and a Performance Evaluation.
I don’t like the drugs…..
Worried about your Crohns medication – yeah me too!
One of the lucky ones.
Bowel strictures, prednisone, sulfasulazine and my new life as a Crohns Disease sufferer.