Going back even 3 years - the thought of having less than $5k in savings at any one time (for an emergency) would cause me so much stress - it would keep me awake at night (or, that could of just been the Prednisone)… things have really really changed for me and for us. I’m pleased ...
27Jun 2016
21Jun 2016
The magical express pass
Hahahaha. Almost 2 weeks ago, on the 10th of June I was at the hospital for my cardiology appointment with, for lack of better terminology, the electrical specialists of the heart. After going on (and on and on) about risks and pacemakers and open heart surgery and DVT we finally got to the wait time. ...
14Mar 2016
15Jan 2014
12Jan 2014
09Jan 2014
The day before….
Wracked with nerves I prepared for my small bowel resection to hopefully curb my out of control Crohn’s Disease.
19Nov 2013
Put your heart into it…
A Crohns patient with Wolff Parkinson White – that makes me about one in a million – right?
13Apr 2013