I don’t want to get caught up in the story of my last job. Part of being able to let go of the past is getting it out of my system and leaving it there - which I was able to finally do in, Truth be Told. Did I hate people from there? Yes. Without a ...
Catalyst for Change (pt2)
So there I was. This angry, angry girl who decided that if she didn’t fit in, she may as well be completely outside the box. My hair was black, my close were black, my music was loud and heavy. The most disturbing part about all of this was at 16, I understood what I was ...
Catalyst for Change (pt1)
While watching a Shane Dawson mini-documentary series I realised that I’ve never talked about my past. It’s like my story starts in 2010 when I was diagnosed. Obviously I didn’t pop out of the womb at the age of 28, choc full of angst. I was born in 1982, in an unremarkable hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. ...
Truth be told
You know how when your too close to a situation - it's almost impossible to see the full extent of what's going on? I think I've been in one of those situations for going on 15 years. To fill in some blanks: PLOT TWIST. I quit my job of almost 15 years (which I have referred ...
Why we’re always broke…
Going back even 3 years - the thought of having less than $5k in savings at any one time (for an emergency) would cause me so much stress - it would keep me awake at night (or, that could of just been the Prednisone)… things have really really changed for me and for us. I’m pleased ...
Dearest Grammar nazi…

One of the major things I'm criticised for both with my social outlets (my blogs) and professions is my lack of attention to spelling and grammar. I'm the first person to admit this short-falling - I even admit it in interviews or at new client meetings. Why? Because I know I have the issue. There are a ...
Clotting Factor
It's been another long gap between posts. I've had a string of big days at my Full Time Job. It frustrates me because - they work me until I'm sick but are still not even close to considering hiring a new body. Facts are - there is way too much work for me alone, being ...