So - I finally had a moment with my sister on the weekend and she is the first person I have physically told that I’m out of remissions. I text my best friend and, well Stocker was there. I think I’ve had problems with getting it out of my mouth. I think I’ve had problems ...
Cut me open… pour me out.
I was so focused on today being a change to a Biological treatment - it almost totally slipped my mind that they weren't the only course of action. So here I am... after my consultation... and I am numb. I have been numb a lot lately with regards to this disease. Who was it again said ...
Square One.
I had a draft half written the other day - the day after Valentines day... It basically said that my "Spin Out" feeling has been identified as a fast, unexpected and unexplained drop in blood pressure... but its obviously not killing me - no call from the IBD department telling me to come in. I would ...
Care Factor
Today $6m was added to the Hendra Research fund in Australia by the Queensland and New South Wales after a Kelpie tested positive to the disease. Hendra Disease, until yesterday, was only found in flying foxes, horses and humans. Hendra's mortality rate is high. I want to start off by saying I agree with the additional ...
Use only as directed.
When do you know better than your specialist? Your specialist that has been to University for practically his entire adult life? The correct answer is never. That makes me feel just a little bit extra guilty about what I have been doing lately. Back in April, I had the review which resulted in me being taken off ...
I can’t wait…..
Hi. My name is Amanda and I have Crohn's Disease. That's kind of how I feel right now... You see I have just joined my first site/group/support page. A year ago when I visited some - I promised myself that I wasn't going to register. I suppose I saw some of the posts on some and ...
April Fool
It seems every time I think I have turned a corner with this disease - I am bought back down to earth with a thud not long after. Yesterday was the start of a new month - and coincidentally April Fools Day. I felt like I was the only one truly fooled. I thought I was ...
An indication on how far I’ve come…
Yesterday - I did something that I would have never done 12 months ago. In fact - I would have run screaming in the opposite direction. Yesterday - I went flying in a light plate. I life I have 5 big fears. 1) I am afraid of needles. 2) I am afraid of spiders. 3) I ...