Warning: Crohns Disease lowers your tolerance to bullshit.

I have put up with so much shit – for so long – from so many people… Just recently, after my diagnosis, I have started asking myself “what’s the point?”

There is no point, and quite frankly the people who try to increase the level of bullshit in my life, increase my stress and therefore the likelihood that I will have a flare up.

Some of my close friends have been telling more for a long time that I choose the wrong acquaintances.  Recently I have realised how right they are and that I should listen to them more often.

Last night we were at a gathering, a rarity – we don’t get out much any more.  While there I was confronted by the obnoxious and childish taunts of someone who is meant to be several years my senior.  Usually, I would a) get my back up and tell them their pedigree or b) allow myself to get so upset over it I turned into a mess.  Last night I chose option c: leave and do something more productive with my time that I actually enjoy.  So I came back and worked.  Yes, you pathetic example of the human race, I found working more enjoyable and entertaining than you.  You being someone who gets a thrill out of talking about other people behind their back and while they are there sinking the knife in as well.  What a revoltingly small mind you have for someone who is meant to be intelligent.  I pity you.  But sadly my time is far too important to be spent listening to your bullshit.  Next time I see them, I expected them to tell me “I got it all wrong – that I must have heard wrong”.  Sweetheart, I have Crohns Disease, my hearing is about the one sense it doesn’t effect.  So, that being said, and me knowing the truth about you before this incident, please cram any good intentions you are pretending to have directly up you very large rear end.

What annoys me, perhaps the most about this person is that they moved out of home fairly recently and because they are married, have a kid and one more degree than me, they think they are better?  Perhaps when they decide to wake up from that very pretty fantasy they will realise what a sad, empty life they must have if all they have to talk about – is me.

So that’s my new way of dealing with unpleasant people – I don’t.  I will just continue to walk away or drive away.  In all seriousness, life is far too short to spend in situations that make you feel uncomfortable, around people you don’t like, who don’t respect you.  I don’t know why it took me until I was chronically ill to figure all that out.  Better late than never.

I seriously wish it was just small-minded acquaintances I had to deal with.  Things are never that easy.  The staff at the bowling alley I frequent, well two of the staff in particular, turn what once was an event I looked forward to into a chore.  I therefore plan to move centres.  Hopefully, once there, I will finally belong again and will be greeted by a smile rather than a scowl and some insulting banter.

I have absolutely no time or tolerance for bullshit anymore.  My life is full and happy without the people who cause turbulence and stress.  I have better things to do than be bought down by their simpleness.

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