My tough stamp.

Well here we are – at the new URL.  I had fully intended to have a different layout going by this stage, but it seems I have forgotten how to work the internet… I am therefore useless.  No, in all seriousness – I used to design sites going back 10 years, now with CSS and alike I have no idea where to start.  The new design will have to wait – at least I have FTP access now… I consider that my win for the day.

So.  Last Friday I went and got the first in a series of 3 Gardasi shots (the immunization for HPV which occasionally turns into Cervical Cancer).  It didn’t go as planned.   I got a call from the medical centre at about 10:30am.  It was the nurse.  She had called to tell me that she was leaving at 2pm so it was either 12pm or the doctor does it.  I don’t mean to be harsh, but quite frankly, GP’s suck when it comes to anything pointy and sharp.  So I booked in at 12pm – it wasn’t ideal, but it was better than the alternative.

I got there a bit early – early enough to hear a child screaming as he faced the same fate as I did.  I was called in quickly (before I could walk back out the door and pretend I had the wrong place) by a foreign doctor, at the risk of sounding racist, he was completely shit.  I did get what I needed however, a prescription for the Gardasil and a referral back to my public hospital doctor which will see me though the next 12 months.  Something I didn’t know about public health is when you find a doctor you like, you have to continually referred.  A specialist referral last you 3 months, a GP referral lasts you 12 months.  Back to the Gardasil, yes, they make yo walk over to the Pharmacy and buy it yourself… For someone who a) knows what’s about to happen and b) is terrified of the process, its not the best policy.  Over I went, only to be told that they didn’t stock it – that no one on the Cost stocked it anymore as the free immunization scheme was over.  All of the Gardasil was going out of date sitting on the shelf.  Fucking perfect! I had spent a sleepless night and an entire day psyching myself up for this – and its not going to happen until Monday.  Oh, and I have to take ANOTHER hour off work.  I walked back it to tell the staff the news and I wont lie to you – part of me was doing a little dance thinking I wouldn’t have to get it done.  I told reception and they groaned.  The nurse overheard.  She said “go pay for it and we’ll give you one of ours, they can replace it when yours comes in”.  FUCK! Back into the Pharmacy I went, the terror growing with each step.  I paid and continued down the hall.  The nurse wisely called in one of the nice reception staff – probably to hold me down.  So the lay me down, asked why I was getting the shot and I told my all too familiar story.  I swear it must sound like a well rehearsed play now every time I tell it. About a second after the receptionist gasped the nurse said “that’s it – get out of my procedure room”.

“Your kidding right” I said half expecting her to stick me with it mid sentence.

“Nah, your done.. but you can’t leave, you have to wait 10 minutes to make sure you don’t have a reaction”.

Yep, the thing I had been grinding my teeth down over was nothing, I didn’t even feel it.  How pathetic did I feel?  So anyway during my ten minutes (and the nurse avoiding the drug rep just outside) we got to talking – during the conversation she asked “so what kind of treatment plan have they got you on?”

“Oh” I replied a bit thrown, I thought I’d mentioned the Imuran when I made the appointment. “Well I am on Budesonide now but they are putting me on Im….”.

She cut me off before I could finish.  “Not your medication – that’s boring, you treatment plan.”  My vacant look must have spoken for me.  “Ah – I see, well it doesn’t surprise me that you don’t have one yet, we don’t tend to publicise them cause we get too many seekers.  You have a chronic illness right?”


“Well – chronic illness effects other parts of your body.  For example, Crohns effects your mouth – I can see your ulcers from here”.

I covered my mouth and let out a muffled “Ah-ha”.

“So your mouth – and therefore your teeth are impacted by Crohns disease.  So you can access a certain amount of dental care for free – and there are other services too.  I will look them all up for you and write you a treatment plan – might as well milk the damned disease for all its worth right?”

Damned straight!  I read another Crohns blog recently where the writer was looking for a silver lining for the cloud that is IBD.  This might just be it?  I mean, I have waited years to get my wisdom teeth out cause I’d rather be doing other things.  While she said she’s not sure if it covers that – it does more than cover any other work I need done.  I truly believe I was meant to be accepted at the surgery and have an appointment with that nurse – cause its about God damned time something good happened with relation to my heath.  I left with the biggest smile on my face even thought I couldn’t feel anything down the right hand side of my body – perhaps next time I will get it on the left?  The injection itself might not have hurt, but the after effects hurt like a bitch.  I could lift my arm above my head and I still have a greeny, browney, black bruise where all the action happened.  That’s my tough stamp – and I’ve showed everyone, not cause I am happy I got the immunization, because it was such a big mental step – and I took it.  The reality is I may still have dormant HPV – I mean my ex-husband didn’t exactly keep it in his pants.  I don’t really think it was about that though…. I think it was about me doing what was necessary to get well.  It was a test, an important one, which I am happy to say that I passed.

Other big news – If I made it past last Friday without an attack it would be my longest remission period in 2 years.  I am happy to report that not only have I made it, but I am still going!  54 days flare up free today.  Do I think it’s the Entocort?  Still not willing to call it – I have, well we have, made a lot of life style changes and I think that has had a big impact on the diseases dormancy.

Since I have smashed the 7 week jinx, I have two new goals – which I think are important.  I am aiming for 90 days in remission – at which point I will concede the medication is working.  There are a few hurdles before that, the biggest the switch to Imuran.  I also aim to be looking well for our friends wedding on the 19th of September.  I want to be at a fairly normal weight, and I want to get my skin cleared up.  I managed to get a nasty skin infection which I am having trouble shaking – so fingers crossed.

To celebrate… well the fact I have pulled my finger out and I am taking care of myself, I have booked in at the hairdressers.  I am going to get my hair cut – first one in almost a year (I think).

After all the shit the last 6 months has thrown at us – I deserve to feel good about myself, if only for a day.

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